Now you have a Doctor in the family.

Accessible and personalized medical advocacy.

Our approach

As independent medical advocates, we assist patients and families by providing the knowledge, framework, and support you need to make the best decisions for you and your family. We help by breaking down the complicated medical system into easy to understand pieces, allowing you to make fully informed decisions along your healthcare journey. Our experts translate the medical jargon, give you the latest evidence based knowledge and help you express your ideal care pathway to your clinicians. Let us help you by connecting with one of our doctors who can help you make sense of the medical world.

Providing you with a safe space to discuss your concerns and game-plan your care.

Our convenient tele-consultations further enhance accessibility, allowing you to discuss your concerns from the comfort of your own home. Whether you're planning for the future, experiencing an emergency situation or navigating long-term complex medical issues, our team provides a safe space for open dialogue and collaboration on a personalized care plan. We're here to listen, support, and empower you every step of the way on your healthcare journey

Empowering Patients, Bridging Care: Advocates for Your Health Journey.

Explore the multifaceted world of medical advocacy - offering a comprehensive breakdown of the crucial aspects involved in advocating for patients and their families. From providing unwavering support and coordination to empowering patients with knowledge and resources, discover how medical advocates play a pivotal role in ensuring compassionate and comprehensive care for all

  • Advocates provide emotional support, empathy, and reassurance to patients and their families throughout their healthcare journey.

  • Advocates provide patients with information and resources to help them understand their medical condition, treatment options, and healthcare rights.

  • Advocates serve as liaisons between patients, families, and healthcare providers, facilitating clear and effective communication to ensure that patient needs and preferences are understood and addressed.

  • Advocates assist patients in creating advance directives, such as living wills and healthcare power of attorney documents, to ensure that their healthcare preferences are documented and respected in the event of incapacity.

  • Advocates empower patients to take an active role in their healthcare decisions, advocating for their rights, preferences, and needs to be respected and honored by healthcare providers.

Our services

  • Tele-Consultation

    Access our experts from home, the emergency room, and everywhere in-between. With tele-consultation, we’re here when you need us!

  • Consultation Packages

    • Medical Crisis Management

    • Long Term Care Planning

    • New Diagnosis Education

    • Longitudinal Medical Record Review

  • Membership

    Convenient access for those with more consistent healthcare needs or for peace of mind when loved ones are far away. Our membership option delivers on-going advocacy year-round!

Get started with Olsen Medical Advocacy, today.

Have questions? Contact us!

Not sure how we can help? Fill out the form with your information and question and we’ll get back to you quickly about which service, if any, is right for you!